Komuves Consulting and other participating domains do not accept spam (unsolicited commercial email). From now on, the following domain(s)/address(es)/IP(s) will be banned from sending email to the kom.com and other participating domains: example.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTES: (none) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We regret that we are forced to take such summary and heavy-handed action, but this is the only way to insure that our users are not subjected to large amounts of spam. If you are receiving this, it may be that you are being banned simply because you allow spammers to use your facilities, and are not taking active measures to prevent this misuse of your facilities. If this is the case, please contact us when your site has been secured, and we will gladly remove the ban on email originating or relayd from your site. If you would like to appeal this decision, you can respond to this email from an account that is not banned, or send email from the Webpage at http://kom.com/spam/ The offending email message is attached (as a text file, for safety), with complete headers. ......................................................................... ******** KOMUVES CONSULTING ABUSE REPORTS **** **** (abuse@kom.com) *** *** ***** ** *** ** The kom.com Internet domain * *** * does not allow unsolicited * #### ##### **** # # * bulk email (spam) to be sent * # # # *** # ## ## * to it's users. Users and * #### # # *** # # ## # * domains that violate this * # ##### ***##### # # * policy will be banned from * # # # ***# # # # * sending email to users in the * #### # *** # # # # * kom.com and other participating * *** * domains. If you wish to appeal ** *** ** the ban on your account or domain, *** *** *** either send email to this address **** **** from an account that is not banned, ********* or use our Webpage to send email at http://kom.com/spam/ ......................................................................... <<>>